What is virtual reality? How does It Work

The term “virtual reality” means “quasi-reality,” and while it is true that it could be applied to anything, we generally apply it to a specific type of reality emulation. The world we know, we are able to perceive it through our senses, which are ultimately our systems of perception. We all have learned in school that we have five senses.
taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. But the reality is that, apart from these five basic senses, humans have more senses, such as that of balance. All of these extra sensory inputs assure our brain of an abundant flow of information for our minds. The human being knows that his reality comes from the senses.
This means that the experience of reality is only the combination of sensory information and that our brain, through its mechanisms for generating senses, is capable of processing. Therefore, it stands to reason that if we present our brain with “made-up information” our perception of reality will also change. We are presented with a version of reality that is not really there, but that from your perspective is perceived as something real. This is what we refer to as virtual reality.
we slick magnet, are bringing you the latest advancement in the applications of virtual reality
Table of Contents
Brief history virtual reality
The idea of virtual reality (VR) has been around for a long time, even before computers came along . The French playwright Antonin Artaud indicated that the term “Virtual Reality” dates back to 1936 (although he specifically spoke of theater rather than technology). A year earlier, in 1935, Stanley G. Weinbaum wrote about VR in his short story Pygmalion’s Spectacles, 77 years before the Oculus Rift. Despite these data, to tell the brief history of VR as we know it, it is best to start the story in the sixties
What is Virtual reality in technical terms
Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional computer-generated environment that can be explored and interact with this same environment. The person becomes part of this virtual world and can perform actions or manipulate objects.
How does virtual reality work in our daily lives?
Today, virtual reality is implemented using computer programming. Apart from virtual reality glasses, through accessories such as headphones, omnidirectional tapes or special gloves, we managed to stimulate all our senses and create that illusion of reality.
It is very important to keep in mind that virtual reality needs to take into account our physiology. For example, our field of vision is 180 degrees and, although we do not usually notice it, we have peripheral vision. Data like these must be taken into account when developing virtual reality, otherwise it can cause dizziness.
What is virtual reality and augmented reality
Given that reality, understanding the differences between what augmented reality is and virtual reality is essential to being able to take advantage of the opportunities provided by every of them.
Which are the differences between these?
The Virtual Reality generates totally nonexistent digital worlds,
that the Augmented Reality combines with other components exist which don’t exist,
and Mixed Reality is a mixture between both technologies, in other words, it combines virtual and real components at a 3D-generated atmosphere.
How does the virtual reality glasses work
A virtual reality glasses are the main component of the VR. The user, as if it were a helmet, puts on the glasses to see the VR content created through a screen (also called a viewfinder). The sensors with which the glasses are equipped (accelerometer and gyroscope) allow the user to believe that he is in the scene represented. Any head movement, the screen will display the appropriate image. Continuous improvements in viewfinders and sensors, as well as the creation of VR-specific content , allow any citizen today to have virtual reality glasses ( Google Cardboard is a printable template to make your own virtual reality device ), but as you can imagine, the feeling will be much better if we try more sophisticated glasses. In the intermediate field, there are devices like the Samsung Gear VR glasses, which we can even improve our user experience with extra sensors. Although we must bear in mind that we will need a Galaxy mobile device, to get the best performance. Another way to enjoy virtual reality is through PSVR. The helmet created by PlayStation connects to the PS4 device to offer video games and very complete experiences. The OLED screen, its 100-degree vision and low latency are its main features.
The Taiwanese company HTC has also made a strong commitment to virtual reality, and with its HTC Vive glasses, it has also enabled the user to move through controls and sensors that are placed in the room.
Finally, the Oculus Rift glasses, which with an adaptable and comfortable design, will allow us to travel anywhere. The controls that it incorporates have an intuitive control, to facilitate the immersion.
Virtual Reality applications in business and technology
Virtual reality is among the tools which exist from the 3D industry. Since the ability of technology and teams to create more realistic and immersive experiences raises, the applications in various areas grow longer. On this event in the site of type we wish to assess the various professional businesses that benefit in the use of virtual reality. This area is just one of the beneficiaries. As a result of the use of virtual reality, medication reaches a greater level of efficacy and becomes an extremely strong ally, by way of instance, in working rooms.
Virtual reality is put in medicine to perform simulations for the training of physicians , operation surgeries , treatment of migraines and mental injury and maybe even pain management because of the use of diversion techniques.
A good instance of the use of virtual reality in medicine is revealed in this chapter of The great physician , where two of its protagonists use virtual reality to direct and instruct themselves like they were really working.
These professionals may improve your skills and educate your capabilities in surroundings. They mimic several kinds of situations as though they were on a battle, with the benefit which they can raise the frequency of rehearsals in far lower price than when they had been at a true training ground.
In addition to training to the floor, virtual reality can be employed for pilot training as a result of flight simulator . The benefits of using virtual reality in aerial training would be the decrease in transfer times between floor training and flight, security, the system’s economics and the lack.
The possibilities of virtual reality within the business of schooling are endless and permit the creation of training models which are altering the method of teaching, regardless. Among the most frequent applications is that the layout of architectural models or the visualization of elements after the line of that which we mentioned previously in the use of virtual reality in medicine.
Virtual reality is employed to produce excursions like the visitor were in the area they’re visiting.
Among those programs where virtual reality stands out the most is in museums, because functions are readily contextualized and boosts the message the centre wants to convey. Within this circumstance reality brings dynamism and interactivity, enhances the visitor experience and brings.
In the event of guided paths through architectural destroys or natural spaces, virtual reality brings plasticity and aesthetic attractiveness . In addition, it reduces”wear” involving buildings and objects, thus preventing their corrosion.
Program of virtual reality in leisure and amusement
It is the fastest and quickest growing marketplace in the previous 3 decades and its enthusiasts can spend massive sums of cash to get.
Ultimately, it should be noted that virtual reality applied to style has become a revolution since it has enabled the public to get the maximum exclusive catwalk
Virtual reality software in SMEs
The software of virtual / augmented reality in the sector are numerous, and the primary technology companies like Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Sony, HTC and Facebook have bet heavily in their technologies, understanding its application to the area of people and, most importantly, to their own possibilities at the skilled and business field.
Virtual or augmented Reality will increase in the coming years in an exponential pace. An analysis by the firm ABI Research affirms the growth rate of VR is going to be 106 percent in the following five decades. It is projected that in 2020 43 million Virtual Reality devices will be marketed many of these.
SMEs need to examine in depth in case it may be a part of their business enterprise, for the purpose, with what visibility and exactly what it will promote their service or product. Now we have a outlook on this kind of technologies, and that’s the reason why it is intriguing to discover the range of benefits it could happen in SMEs of the century.
When we have as a reference the favorite picture of a individual with Virtual Reality glasses which permit them to socialize in a parallel digital globe with components which aren’t part of the true physical space, we’ll get a basic starting point to be aware of the possibilities of the technology in the provider.
From there we have to know that, now, there are 3 special Virtual Reality simulation apparatus that cover nearly the whole marketplace: PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and though it is anticipated that more competitors will emerge, these devices have an enormous competitive edge.
On the flip side, there are additional sorts of devices which take advantage of the excellent potential of contemporary smartphones, which function as adapters, which enable me, through pictures and round movie, to enjoy an immersive digital encounter, which, unlike of those cans, it is more limited.
Use of virtual reality in everyday life
The interactive worlds and scenarios of virtual reality fit in your living room and can have very different applications. Of course, in VR, space does matter. Depending on the application, we will need a minimum space and a more or less complex and expensive virtual reality installation.
Some VR experiences could be used without hardly moving from the couch, but in other cases we will need a few meters around. The need for travel for interaction with some applications can be up to 5 × 5 meters. Understandably, it will not be the same to use virtual reality for a driving simulation than to visit a classic building. In the first case, surely the user can remain seated to simulate the handling of the vehicle. In the second, a minimum displacement may be necessary.
But what could we use virtual reality for in our daily hustle and bustle? Well, the truth is that the applications of virtual systems can be varied. We will mention some:
VR for meditation
The DEEP app , for example, immerses you in a world of sensory experiences in which you take control by breathing. This app is available for virtual reality glasses of the brand “Oculus”.
Book a trip
The leading travel agencies have joined the virtual reality craze and offer quick virtual tours to their clients. Because, of course, it is not the same to see a couple of photos in a travel brochure than to put on some glasses and immerse yourself in your favorite destination. The virtual tour will allow the client to decide more easily on the destination that most attracts their attention.
In addition, there are already many applications like Google’s Street View VR. With applications of this type, you can move at will through the streets of any city in the world.
Using virtual reality for live broadcasts
The classic FC Barcelona-Real Madrid was the first match broadcast live using VR technology. Movistar and Samsung teamed up to broadcast the game in some Movistar physical stores in Barcelona and Madrid. What was a punctual act, will surely be part of our day to day in a short time. The doubt may be the final price that will have to enjoy the game with our RV glasses and from the sofa at home. At least initially.
RV applied to real estate
The real estate sector has one more way to boost sales here. YouTube now allows VR content to be uploaded to its video platform and thus offers a new commercial window to companies. The potential buyer can take a virtual tour of the home or even walk through it prior to construction.
Stores in virtual reality
Buy from home but as if you were in the store. The giant eBay was the first to use virtual reality to increase its sales. How about shopping in a department store without queuing or feeling surrounded by people on Black Friday?
Cinema in virtual reality
It may seem the most obvious, but it is not less expensive for that. Short films like Tomorrow from the Future Lighthouse studio are just the beginning of a germinating industry. It is true that with 3D technology we are disappointed by the low film production. But it seems like there is still a while for all this to pay off for content producers and distributors.
The video game industry
It is undoubtedly the market that has evolved the most thanks to virtual reality. This industry moves millions and its audience is willing to spend large amounts of money to get all the peripherals required to enjoy total immersion. It is surely the sector that is pushing the technology at hand the most. The use of virtual reality on the different video game platforms is on the front pages of the media and on the shelves of the homes of inveterate gamers.
We will surely continue to hear new advances in the sector every month, many of which will reach our homes sooner or later.